Are you also bewildered about your career ?Are you lost in this confusing world ? Are you searching for you dream job ?

Today's blog is all about How to find your career in life .

After a long break I am back! All this while i was searching for a topic , for inspiration to strike . 

During our early childhood days we are well aware of who we want to be in the future .But as we explore we find new, exciting and interesting professions .This approach makes our minds wander . By the time you are in high school you do not know what to do . This stage is the turning point of your life. 

So coming back to today's topic , here are some ways you can find your answers .

When we talk about manifesting dreams the first step is to have them. It can be anything . We must be bold and never setback from having them. Imagination is where our desires and thoughts come together . While collecting information on this topic  as well as a curious teen I got some advice by one of my teachers on how to approach it .

1. Imagine yourself 10 years from now 

Imagine how you want to see your life a decade from now .Do you want to be in a lavish house ? Do you want to work at a prestigious company or build your own start-up? Do you want to have lots of money or enough to survive? Do you want to enjoy your job or take stress about it ? Imagine all these scenarios and then come to a conclusion . 

You will find your ideals for your career . With this you can find a career which qualifies your requirements .

2. Be persistent 

Hard work is necessary in each and every field you choose . Remember everything is difficult ,there is no easy way out .A strong will power must be present in each of us . We must go on with the smallest opportunity we get even if we fail. 'There must be progress made ' that's the motto by which we must live. 

3. Get a job where in you are respected 

You should be so skilful as to see to it that your company depends on you. The reality which we live in is brutal , companies nowadays use their employees like a pen , once its out of use it is thrown away . But you should be that valuable pen which nobody can replace . Such respect and importance should be your last qualification.

Lastly , we must always take advice from elders and people who are experienced from a particular field that you want to pursue . It will give you a better clarity . 

I hope you could understand my message . As a teen I myself reflect on these points that my teacher taught me and that is why i am writing this . I hope you'll seize every opportunity in life and find you true careers .

Happy Exploring,



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